Below is an extract from court papers in the #ZASMvsUSAandSAbanks, in which South African domicile banks claim that they are actively implementing secondary sanctions and overcomplying to U.S. sanctions, by blocking accounts, denying loans, prohibiting foreign currency exchange, payment clearances and other services to individuals such as #KudaTagwirei, because the illegal U.S. sanctions on him, say he materially assisted the Zimbabwean government.

However, Kuda assisting his nation is not an international crime, but a constitutional duty to his country, making his punishment by the U.S., unfair, arbitrary, without trial and in contravention of the universal bill of rights.

With the release of the Sentry report two days ago, we anticipate that Kuda may be designated as a #PoliticallyExposedPerson (PEP) and banks across the globe (with the help of the FBI and CIA) will be pressured to use #FATF anti-money-laundering measures to close more of his accounts, those of his companies and to seek out trusts or businesses in which he is a silent beneficiary.

This arbitrary and discriminatory targeting of Kuda and other Zimbabwean business people, to derisk and overcomply to illegal western sanctions or anti-money-laundering measures, without trial by banks -when companies such as McKinsey, EOH, KPMG, ABB and Glencore which were caught and admitted to corruption in South Africa and international bribery in the case of Glencore- but none of these criminal organizations were ever subjected to the same derisking; illustrates that anti-money-laundering and counter-terrorism measures are a tool used by white banks domicile in Africa and the west, to target African business people and investors, to cripple their ability to invest in the continent.

Now that we know that sanctions and anti-money-laundering rules are weaponized by the west and banks domicile in Africa, to cripple Africa. African business people must be more proactive in standing up to the threats they face from this illegal economic war, otherwise they will remain victims to these illegal western measures until they or their nations are destroyed.


Written by Rutendo Matinyarare

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