Advocate Simba Chitando fight against sanctions Frontline Strat Marketing Press Council Ombudsman SABC (South African Broadcasting Corporation) UN Human Rights Council UN Human Rights Special Rapporteur US sanctions on Zimbabwe Xenophobia Attacks on Zimbabweans by South Africans October 14, 2021 438Views 0Comments admin ShareTwitterFacebookE-mailPRESS RELEASE SA MEDIA MUST CEASE PROPAGANDA ON ZIMBABWEAN SANCTIONS Over the past 20 years, Zimbabwe has been under unilateral, coercive, economic measures (sanctions), imposed by the US and its… Read more by admin
Beatrice Mthethwa fight against sanctions Frontline Strat Marketing Illegal US Sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe rutendo bereza matinyarare Rutendo Matinyarare SADC (Southern African Development Community) UN Special Rapporteur October 7, 2021 755Views 0Comments admin ShareTwitterFacebookE-mailWE CAN’T BLAME SADC AND AU FOR NOT FIGHTING ZIMBABWE SANCTIONS. Yesterday, a fellow Zimbabwean said SADC, the AU and Africa had not stood by Zimbabwe in fighting sanctions. I even… Read more by admin
Africomm France Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA) ICJ World Bank NATO SADC UN Human Rights Council Zimbabwe September 16, 2021 484Views 0Comments admin ShareTwitterFacebookE-mailAFRICA, STAND UP AND STOP BEGGING. We are grateful to hear that the Presidents of Botswana, South Africa and Kenya are calling for the west to… Read more by admin
Africa Peace Facility busting sanctions European Peace Facility fight against sanctions Frontline Strat Marketing Illegal US Sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe New Silk Road program rutendo bereza matinyarare UN Human Rights Special Rapporteur February 28, 2021 454Views 0Comments admin ShareTwitterFacebookE-mailTHE DANGER OF EU PEACE FACILITY. December 2020 saw the end of the 16 year old Africa Peace Facility by which the EU gave over €2.7… Read more by admin