ZASM has just received a letter written by Divine Mafa’s ZEM (Zimbabwe Economic Movement) to Antony Blinken, asking him to take criminal action against ZASM. Mafa claims that ZASM is spreading anti-U.S. disinformation which is endangering U.S. lives and lobbying U.S. citizens without registering with the Department Of Justice as an agent of a foreign government.

It is the last point that makes us believe that a U.S. agency asked Divine to write his letter. We assume this because only they know that the DOJ has begun using FARA: the Foreign Agents Reporting Act to unprocedurally persecute non-US nationals for allegedly lobbying and influencing U.S. citizens on geopolitical issues, through social media.

In 2018, FARA was used by the DOJ against 13 Russians and three organizations, which it claims were spreading coordinated disinformation against the U.S. in 2016.

Our organization’s position is that ZASM fights illegal sanctions and the illegal use of economic warfare, but does not spread disinformation about any nation.

By Rutendo Matinyarare, Chairman of ZASM

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