fight against sanctions US sanctions on Zimbabwe ZASM Suing Banks Domicile in SouthAfrican February 11, 2022 1591Views 0Comments admin ShareTwitterFacebookE-mailWhy Zimbabweans are suing South African domicile banks for sanctions and why it matters. Background. ZASM is a civil society organization consisting of Zimbabwean citizens who have been externally displaced and are suffering under… Read more by admin
Fadzai Mahere fight against sanctions Financial Action Taskforce Frontline Strat Marketing Human Rights Law Illegal US Sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe rutendo bereza matinyarare Rutendo Matinyarare UN Human Rights Council US sanctions on Zimbabwe October 14, 2021 388Views 0Comments admin ShareTwitterFacebookE-mailFADZAI IS NOT THE PROBLEM, OUR FOREIGN AFFAIRS IS SLEEPING. 14 October 2021, the United States was elected to the UN Human Rights Council. This was 8 days too late… Read more by admin