constitution of South Africa Human Rights Law OFAC Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe rutendo bereza matinyarare Rutendo Matinyarare South African banks South African Export Credit Insurance Corporation U.S. government May 21, 2023 1105Views 0Comments admin ShareTwitterFacebookE-mailTHANKS TO ZASM, NEW HELICOPTERS HAVE ADEQUATE HOSPITALS TO SERVE. People are questioning why the Zimbabwean government purchased medical helicopters before upgrading hospitals. Firstly, Zimbabwean hospitals that treat HIV, TB,… Read more by admin
American Intelligence British Hawks Chinese F7s Comoros Islands Lancaster House Agreement rutendo bereza matinyarare Rutendo Matinyarare Zuid Afrika May 20, 2023 516Views 0Comments admin ShareTwitterFacebookE-mailREENGAGEMENT IS REPEATING OF OLD COSTLY MISTAKES. During our liberation war, we fought against the British oppressor, his 13,000 US, EEC, and Boer mercenaries, and defeated them… Read more by admin
fight against sanctions US sanctions on Zimbabwe ZASM Suing Banks Domicile in SouthAfrican February 11, 2022 1736Views 0Comments admin ShareTwitterFacebookE-mailWhy Zimbabweans are suing South African domicile banks for sanctions and why it matters. Background. ZASM is a civil society organization consisting of Zimbabwean citizens who have been externally displaced and are suffering under… Read more by admin