African agriculture and GMOs African Centre for Biodiversity AGRA Akinwumi Adesina Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa anti-GMO activism Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Bill Gates and GMOs in Africa CEFSAR anti-GMO movement genetic modification in Nigeria GMO health impacts GMO public hearings Nigeria GMO seeds dependency GMOs in Africa MON 87460 NABDA Nigeria GMO crisis OFAB Open Forum on Agricultural Biotechnology Rose Gidado Tela maize Nigeria
Mass marches won’t lift individual sanctions in Zimbabwe. This post explores the flawed strategy by ZANU PF to use mass mobilization for removing individual sanctions imposed by the US. Unlike collective sanctions, which impacted civilians, individual sanctions target specific officials. The post also highlights how successful previous campaigns worked in South Africa and why those accused of human rights violations should focus on legal avenues to clear their names instead of mass protests