We have been receiving misleading news clipping that came from News Hawks saying that ZASM has launched a motion in the Johannesburg High Court against the US President.

As the Chairman of ZASM, I am not aware of any such motion because I have not signed any affidavits to that effect. Secondly, on the news clipping, ZASM was cited as a ZANU PF activist organ.

We would like to state categorically that ZASM is a Zimbabwean civil society organization that is fighting sanctions and even though Advocate Chitando and Brain Chibvongodze are all ZANU PF members and directors of the organizations, the other two members Martha Shumba and Rutendo Matinyarare are not ZANU PF members, making the institution a cross section of Zimbabwean society.

At no point was ZASM contacted by News Hark to verify any of the claims made in their report and we believe that this is amateur journalism.

For further information, media must please contact Advocate Simba Chitando as the ZASM spokesperson and legal director or Martha Shumba the administrative director.

Yours Sincerely

Rutendo Matinyarare
Chairman of ZASM.

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