The Gold Mafia series has ended and Scott Sakupwanya was featured in the last edition.

Interestingly, I did not hear anything incriminating about him.

Firstly, I heard that he would be able to pay anyone who invests in his business 10%, in any account, anywhere in the world using bank transfer. This prompted me to find out more about the businesses he is talking about.

Scott is a miner with various mines, gold processing plants and a gold buying business. According to a business associate of Scott who was present when the call was made; Prophet Angle called him to find out if he was interested in an investment in his business and what the return to the investors would be.

Scott then said yes, he would be interested in investment in his business and he would gladly give a 10% return in US dollars, on any investment annually. When asked how this return or dividend will be repaid, he said he will pay it into any account anywhere in the world, illustrating that it is an above board deal, to be paid through the banks and not in cash.

I then enquired how Scott guarantees such a huge return, and the associate said through the vast returns from gold mining and gold buying, but then came the shocker. He then went on to say that Scott hasn’t started making real money as he is currently in the process of building a gold refinery in Bulawayo, to refine gold from all across Africa in Zimbabwe, so that the country can export finished gold products like Dubai is currently doing in its $70 billion gold industry.

The reason for all the frenzy around Zimbabwe’s gold, is not only the gold coins or the #goldrush, but it is the fact that equipment for Scott’s refinery is currently on the sea coming to Zimbabwe, to make Zimbabwe -through the Victoria Falls financial hub- Africa’s Dubai.

When I heard this, I had to pause and digest the fact that a guy my age from Mabvuku, who used to be a gardener for McMillan, has raised himself up to replace McMillan as Zimbabwe’s biggest gold buyer (as we heard McMillan himself admit) to become Zimbabwe’s biggest gold buyer.

According to the partner, Scott got into gold by being a buyer under McMillan, however, when he realized how much gold Zimbabwe was losing to smuggling, leading to Zimbabwe being removed from the LBMA/London Fix or London Bullion Market Association, he went to ask Gono for a license.

Gono believed in Scott, and since getting his license, the submissions of gold to Fidelity, have risen by 600% to 35.38 tons, from 4 tons in 2008, which broke all records last year. Now, he says Zimbabwe will hit 40 tons this year, before his refinery is up and running.

Due to his achievements, when he goes to Dubai, the Sheiks introduce him as the African man of gold, to the likes of Mayweather. He even brought Rick Ross to Zimbabwe, just to show him the Zim Gold Rush, in which African American billionaires might want to invest their billions in paper money.

Through all of this, Scott remains humble, never showing off or womanizing as he remains focused and down to earth.

I am moved to see a ghetto child from humble beginnings become successful through hard-work and audacity. This serves as an example to those of us who grew up in privilege and shows the possibilities of participating in the #ZimbabweGoldRush.

This is an account to encourage young Zimbabweans and ghetto kids to emulate Scott’s rags-to-riches story, which beats any other we have heard.

Scott Sakupwanya is to gold mining what Strive Masiyiwa is to telecoms. He is to gold buying what Mushayavanhu is to banking. He is not a gold mafia, but a very successful businessman in the whiteman’s industry, running the #ZimbabweGoldRush.

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