Eskom Zisco Interview that was censored by News Africa

It seems #NewzRoomAfrika has been pressured to remove the interview on #ZISCOsteel and #Eskom* from their platforms and You Tube after it went viral.
It is understandable why. Here is the full video, watch and download incase itโ€™s removed again

Michelle Craig: Uhmm we continue this morning with the discussion that we’ve been having around not only Eskom but soes in general the state of the country’s set on entities including Ekom, SAA, Danel continuing to deteriorate a corruption and mismanagement being cited as the leading causes of the fall of these entities let’s bring in independent analysts Rutendo Matinyarare who believes that South Africa can learn lessons from neighbouring Zimbabwe. So far as SOEs here in the country are concerned 

Rutendo:  Let me thank you for your time this morning. 

Michelle Craig: Thank you very much indeed for joining us thank you so much.

Rutendo: Thank you 

Michelle Craig: youโ€™ve penned quite an interesting article that talks about the lessons that South Africa can learn interface SOEs are concerned and Zimbabwe Ziscosteel tell us some of the sort of key findings you’ve come up with right.

Rutendo: Thank you so much for the opportunity you know for me what I’ve realized is that many people in Africa don’t yet understand how the world works it’s a race for resources and capitalism. It is about captivating and capturing resources in order to build monopolies so what we saw with Ziscosteel was sabotage of Ziscosteel by Monopoly makers and these Monopoly makers were companies like Anglo American.

During the Lancaster, Zisco steel was planned to and boost Alpine that was manufacturing the machines that were used in smelting Iron and steel in Zimbabwe now Ziscosteel is in many ways very similar to Eskom. 

Ziscosteel was the biggest steel and iron manufacturer in the southern hemisphere, infact the biggest in Africa,  the biggest was in Brazil and Australia and what the problem was when Zimbabwe got independence the Western world was not happy to bestow an African country with the ability to produce iron and the ability to sophisticate iron and to create military hardware and Industrial Hardware that would have industrialized Zimbabwe or Africa.  The reason being once the second world war ended there was a plan called The Morganville plan the Morganville  plan was supposed to industrialize Japan and Germany so that they would never rise to become superpowers that would challenge the Western world or the Western banking system so what they did is they wanted to turn them into agrarian societies.

Take out their industry block their minds take their workers that were most technical and take them out of Germany and out of Japan so that these countries could never rise to industrialize eventually what happened is Germany’s lack of development. 

Japan’s lack of development made it difficult for the West to compete with Russia it made it difficult for the West to compete with Russia which was now bringing communism so they were forced to allow Germany and Japan to develop. So that Western capitalism could show as an example in these regions as a success, but for this Western capitalism to take place for the Marshall Plan to be given to these Western countries to rise themselves up they needed cheap resources.  

Michelle Craig: So what did they have to do? 

Rutendo: They had to keep and they had to now take the Morganville  plan further and the development plan this agrarian society plan to Africa and so that meant that they had to de-industrialize African countries that had just come out of colonialism. 

This was made to ensure that they’ll never be able to sophisticate their resources so that those resources will be possible so keep African countries some sort under your thumb 

Correct so that you can use them to your benefit and this is exactly what’s happening here in South Africa with Eskom because you have to understand that Eskom itself was created by a private Monopoly that was led by um the um what you call it the um Cecil John Rhodes’s company, British South Africa company and it created as com as private entities initially where they were providing electricity to a lot of the mining Industries and with the biggest mining industry in the world in South Africa.

You quickly develop the biggest electricity supplier in the world so what they realize is that if you want to be the biggest electricity supplier you have to consolidate all these small electricity suppliers and make one electricity supplier which became the Victoria Falls Power Supply Company that was owned by Sister of John Rhodes.  and if you remember all British South Africa companies were then taken by Anglo American Anglo the same one that we see having a problem in Ziscosteel so under Anglo, America becomes this agent of sabotaging Africa to ensure that it doesn’t industrialize and to keep the industrialization capacity in areas controlled by whites which is why it lasted in apart in South Africa.

 Michelle Craig: So how does this play into the current state of Eskom? Because when we talk about the current state of we’re talking about the state capture years of the past 12 years right? How does this history help us understand what happened during the state captures that’s a false narrative? 

Rutendo: if State captures happened with Anglo-American and white capital and then this false narrative that a company like the Gupta is the control less than five percent of the economy have captured the state that’s the false narrative.

 Michelle Craig: but we’ve just had an entire Commission of inquiry detailing how lieutenants of the Guptas and particular government ANC leaders were put in Eskom and other SOEs with the chief um aim of looting it of hollowing it out through corruption.

Rutendo: state capture inquiry is a fuss it’s an embarrassment 

Michelle Craig: quite frankly it’s a conception 

Rutendo: inquiry yes because it’s false that’s why you see that even Glencoe doesn’t appear 

Michelle Craig: Uhmm we continue this morning with the discussion that we’ve been having around not only Eskom but soes in general the state of the country’s set on entities including Ekom, SAA, Danel continuing to deteriorate a corruption and mismanagement being cited as the leading causes of the fall of these entities let’s bring in independent analysts Rutendo Matinyarare who believes that South Africa can learn lessons from neighbouring Zimbabwe. So far as SOEs here in the country are concerned

Rutendo: Let me thank you for your time this morning.

Michelle Craig: Thank you very much indeed for joining us thank you so much.

Rutendo: Thank you

Michelle Craig: youโ€™ve penned quite an interesting article that talks about the lessons that South Africa can learn interface SOEs are concerned and Zimbabwe Ziscosteel tell us some of the sort of key findings you’ve come up with right.

Rutendo: Thank you so much for the opportunity you know for me what I’ve realized is that many people in Africa don’t yet understand how the world works it’s a race for resources and capitalism. It is about captivating and capturing resources in order to build monopolies so what we saw with Ziscosteel was sabotage of Ziscosteel by Monopoly makers and these Monopoly makers were companies like Anglo American.

During the Lancaster, Zisco steel was planned to and boost Alpine that was manufacturing the machines that were used in smelting Iron and steel in Zimbabwe now Ziscosteel is in many ways very similar to Eskom.

Ziscosteel was the biggest steel and iron manufacturer in the southern hemisphere, infact the biggest in Africa, the biggest was in Brazil and Australia and what the problem was when Zimbabwe got independence the Western world was not happy to bestow an African country with the ability to produce iron and the ability to sophisticate iron and to create military hardware and Industrial Hardware that would have industrialized Zimbabwe or Africa. The reason being once the second world war ended there was a plan called The Morganville plan the Morganville plan was supposed to industrialize Japan and Germany so that they would never rise to become superpowers that would challenge the Western world or the Western banking system so what they did is they wanted to turn them into agrarian societies.

Take out their industry block their minds take their workers that were most technical and take them out of Germany and out of Japan so that these countries could never rise to industrialize eventually what happened is Germany’s lack of development.

Japan’s lack of development made it difficult for the West to compete with Russia it made it difficult for the West to compete with Russia which was now bringing communism so they were forced to allow Germany and Japan to develop. So that Western capitalism could show as an example in these regions as a success, but for this Western capitalism to take place for the Marshall Plan to be given to these Western countries to rise themselves up they needed cheap resources.

Michelle Craig: So what did they have to do?

Rutendo: They had to keep and they had to now take the Morganville plan further and the development plan this agrarian society plan to Africa and so that meant that they had to de-industrialize African countries that had just come out of colonialism.
This was made to ensure that they’ll never be able to sophisticate their resources so that those resources will be possible so keep African countries some sort under your thumb

Correct so that you can use them to your benefit and this is exactly what’s happening here in South Africa with Eskom because you have to understand that Eskom itself was created by a private Monopoly that was led by um the um what you call it the um Cecil John Rhodes’s company, British South Africa company and it created as com as private entities initially where they were providing electricity to a lot of the mining Industries and with the biggest mining industry in the world in South Africa.

You quickly develop the biggest electricity supplier in the world so what they realize is that if you want to be the biggest electricity supplier you have to consolidate all these small electricity suppliers and make one electricity supplier which became the Victoria Falls Power Supply Company that was owned by Sister of John Rhodes. and if you remember all British South Africa companies were then taken by Anglo American Anglo the same one that we see having a problem in Ziscosteel so under Anglo, America becomes this agent of sabotaging Africa to ensure that it doesn’t industrialize and to keep the industrialization capacity in areas controlled by whites which is why it lasted in apart in South Africa.

Michelle Craig: So how does this play into the current state of Eskom? Because when we talk about the current state of we’re talking about the state capture years of the past 12 years right? How does this history help us understand what happened during the state captures that’s a false narrative?

Rutendo: if State captures happened with Anglo-American and white capital and then this false narrative that a company like the Gupta is the control less than five percent of the economy have captured the state that’s the false narrative.

Michelle Craig: but we’ve just had an entire Commission of inquiry detailing how lieutenants of the Guptas and particular government ANC leaders were put in Eskom and other SOEs with the chief um aim of looting it of hollowing it out through corruption.

Rutendo: state capture inquiry is a fuss it’s an embarrassment

Michelle Craig: quite frankly it’s a conception

Rutendo: inquiry yes because it’s false that’s why you see that even Glencoe doesn’t appear

Michelle Craig: Wait you’re saying the state capture inquiry is false?

Transcript below:

It’s the evidence that we heard for two years is false and it was tailored evidence to manufacture consent to a certain narrative but it’s not true it’s not true that the people that were questioned on the state capture commission are the captures of the state you have a situation where Anglo-American controlled 60 of this economy followed by um and the Rupert who controlled another 20 and so forth and so on how is it that people that have less than five percent of the economy capture the economy both the estimates are this morning

Rutendo that hundreds of billions left our country through State capture.

And there’s forensic evidence detailing exactly that?

Whereโ€™s the forensic evidence being tested for you to prove that as a reality it is a narrative well we’re living with the reality aren’t we so let’s give you a reality again remember we heard that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq they were never found. They were supposed to be evidence because it was never tested and there’s this Western agenda to always make a story a reality that never gets tested that’s what we’re seeing with the state capture commission and I’m not saying this so that we just cause problems.

I’m saying this so that you get to the root cause of the problem that you have in South Africa I’m saying Ziscosteel Anglo-American was Central to the destruction of Ziscosteel to maintain white Monopoly and white capture and let me tell you another thing whenever a society has had a crime against humanity happen against it we usually have for instance with Nazi Germany people being brought to book people being taken to court and taken out of society in South Africa.

You’ve got a problem in the aspect that in South Africa we had the very same people that perpetuated the crime against humanity still running Society. Running the media, running the companies, running Banking and continuously perpetuating the crimes of apartheid in a modern day democracy by lies.

And doing the same things that were done during apartheid. We will never know the truth as long as the criminals of the apartheid system are running the economy for the same ends

The same purposes of apartheid which was exploitation of the mineral resources of this country and remember Eskom was built off the gold platinum and exploitation of the diamonds of South Africa. When the mining companies were paying for those Services they were not paying enough in order to allow for replacement cost in future they were simply making money for the moment what we’ve got now is that we’ve got an Eskom that did not save enough from the services, that gave these mining companies.

Those profits went into the mining companies that are outside the country some of them are leaving because the gold is finished , some of them are leaving because iron is finished and they’ve taken the profits that should have been channelled into Eskom.

They should have been part and parcel of the replacement cost and the depreciation of what Eskom would need to rebuild itself today. The bankers have also sabotaged you in the aspect that the moment you get to 2017 you see a company called Future Growth that belongs to uh Old Mutual saying that we’ll no longer give loans to SOEs particularly Eskom.

And so that started a regime of sanctions of trying to believe the government and not give it money to build its infrastructure they also said they would influence other finances across the world not to give South African SOEs and the South African government money that is a regime change agenda. That is an agenda to de-industrialize South Africa as I’ve been saying

with the um I’m trying to understand how you can erase 12 years of State capture by just dismissing it as fuss who exactly would be orchestrating this fuss and are you going to reply and say the West?

Well it’s interesting how can we not re-race 12 years of of state capture, if we’ve raised 135 years of State capture by Anglo-American and the companies that were formed out of the 20 years ago.

Eskom was an incredibly successful company

No it wasn’t it was

We had electricity we our maintenance program was in track we had a profitability. We were exporting our excess power outside of the country as well

You were doing that whilst 70 % of South Africa didn’t have electricity many people were living in darkness in a country that was producing what about 20 years ago

I’m talking about 20 years ago 20 years ago you did not have electricity for everybody you actually had 70% of your people without electricity,

Yeah they were excluded and the labour of these people the kittens that they were being paid in mind and the jobs that they were working with they were paid 10% of what a white person doing the same job would earn. Was money that was being used to subsidize Eskom for it to be a social welfare system for the mining system?

It had to come two decades ago was a false narrative. It was a false narrative it was a false narrative. That if we allow ourselves to make that narrative then we become complicit with an apartheid system that excluded 70% of the people because they were black.

We don’t care about them yet we only gave services to 30 percent who were based being subsidized by those that didn’t have electricity.

Let’s talk about Medupi and Kusile power stations? That are wholly over budget um to the tune of billions. I’m on my phone now trying to find the exact number wholly over budget in so far as what was budgeted initially in terms of Maintenance costs. Its it’s hundreds of billions of Rands in excess okay?

Who do we blame that on right that’s a good question and I always like to use history as my guide so what is happening at Medupi has happened before when they were creating Eskom where the company that was called uh dick and kerr Dicken care company was supposed to provide electricity for Johannesburg a municipality for its tram system and the electricity in Johannesburg plus rent mines so what they did is they went to buy Machinery from England in order to power the generation of power that was going to be generated by agents.

We’re talking 1905. So they got engines from the English who were not good at making electricity Machinery the electricity Machinery was made mainly made by Germans particularly a AEG, Siemens and other companies like that they made the best machines but the economy was controlled by the British and they wanted their British companies to get the contracts to provide the Machinery.

So what happened with this company this dick and prayer? Is that all the machineries started collapsing people were dying on the job. People were being asphyxiated in the in the plant because it was burning a gas. But that gas was becoming toxic. Eventually this entire plant collapsed but even the collapse of this plant was very weird where trams that sank at Sea.

We had one of the uh Chief Engineers dying on the job the very same things you’re seeing happening with Eskom

Which looked like sabotage that was by the Victoria Falls power company that was owned by Rhodes so that they would get a monopoly. So eventually the entire plant of a dick and curve collapsed and that many people say was because of the English Machinery there was obsolete.

Some people say it was because of sabotage by these guys who wanted to build a monopoly. Today this is what’s happening at Kusile, you concealer we’ve got Hitachi that’s come in they’re not the best at producing electricity power they’re not the best at generating electricity power.

So there is a chance that we’ve chosen the wrong service provider but there is also a chance that what happened in the past the sabotage that could be happening at these plants by other interests that are trying to perpetuate a monopoly that existed and we’ve learned this in history before and so if you look at what’s happened in Kusile we actually need a commission of inquiry which is what they did in 1910.

They had a commission of inquiry to find out what was happening in the electricity this Commission of inquiry was a fast it was not it was not honest it did not have the right questions. And it did not look at the right scope you cannot have a commission require your state capture you do not have the Glencore, they do not have Anglo-American and they do not have a uh what you call it uh the Ruperts.

In there you do not have the owners of capital people like old Mutual who have been sabotaging this region even during apartheid to ensure that apartheid never ended. We cannot have a commission of inquiry that doesn’t look at those criminals?

All right thanks very much indeed for coming in on that thank you um important on that interesting note I should say and uh Medupi and Kusile eight years late 300 billion Rand over budget um that was the number that I was looking for just a little earlier

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