‘Sanctions must go yesterday’ – Chamisa tells followers on Twitter

Main opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa has said sanctions imposed by Western countries on Zimbabwe “must go yesterday”.

Zimbabwe was slapped with targeted sanctions as an effort to force the Zanu-PF regime to institute democratic reforms through ending human rights abuses, corruption and maladministration.

Opposition leaders, Chamisa and his deputy Tendai Biti have been accused of inviting sanctions on Zimbabwe to make sure the economy fails and use that as a launch pad to gain popularity.

But Chamisa on Wednesday assured Zimbabweans that the economy will rise again. He further stated that sanctions were bad for the economy.

“Zimbabwe shall be the land of entrepreneurs and enterprise. Zimbabwe shall be the land of opportunities and possibilities, dreams and hopes. Where one can dream anything and the dream will come true.

“Let’s make it happen. Zimbabwe has just been a dream killer for many. No..Not #Thistime,” he said.

Asked by a Twitter follower to “come clean on sanctions” Chamisa said: “Sanctions must go yesterday.”

In March this year, the United States President Joe Biden extended sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by one year and accused the county’s leaders of economic mismanagement and undermining democratic processes or institutions.

Biden said his administration would continue with the embargo for a further year citing that the Zanu-PF government was implementing policies that threaten America’s foreign policy.

“The actions and policies of certain members of the Zimbabwe government and other persons to undermine Zimbabwe’s democratic processes or institutions continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the foreign policy of the United States,” Biden said.

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