Adam Ryns or Jahman Adamski wrote racist remarks about black Zimbabweans.

We told you a long time ago that Jahman was an envious racist who hates black people for doing better than him. But just because he speaks against ZANU PF, parrots a little Shona, and married a black woman, maghetto youth who never grew up with racists, made the mistake of thinking that he was one of them.

He is not one of us, hence he calls us the n-word, he thinks our women (our grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and his wife included) are bitches. He thinks all we do is sex, drink, litter, piss in public, and eat sadza. Not acknowledging that many black Zimbabweans are doing better than him.

Adamsky is a bitter Rhodie who hates the fact that he failed to make it in Zimbabwe while many blacks and whites who now identify as Zimbabweans are succeeding where he failed. No non-racist can ignore cultural sensitivities to a point of generalizing about a whole race and using racist colonial tropes and stereotypes to express his frustration about the incompetence of a council led by the party he supports.

The biggest pain this redneck feels is that he has been left behind by many underprivileged blacks who came from nothing to become wealthier and more educated than him, despite him having benefited from colonial inheritance, private school, and white privilege.

The reason so many black people have overtaken him is precisely because he wasted his opportunities, hence less privileged, more intelligent, and hardworking blacks overtook him. He can’t handle that fact.

When you look at the countries that drink, sex, and pollute the most, they are all European. At some point, the Thames in the UK was the most polluted river in the world because Western culture pollutes and destroys. The whole reason Zimbabweans sh!t in drinking water and pollute Lake Chivero, is because we were forced into this European culture, which believes in sh!tting in drinking water. We never did this in African culture.

Jahman left Zimbabwe and is laboring in the UK because not only did he fail to make it in Zim but he is failing there. Don’t let him lie to you about being a chicken farming consultant using the same old picture he took at Ivrines. The man is a laborer like most in the UK. He failed to live a good and comfortable life in Zimbabwe like other more established Zimbabweans that he hates with a passion, because he is a failure.

Many Britons (Adam’s cousins) don’t want to work, hence hundreds of thousands of Zimbabweans, Africans, East Europeans, and Asians are required to work in the UK to do jobs they don’t want to do. And if we are to stereotype like Adam, a huge number of British women don’t want to work because they would rather get pregnant by a Jamaican or Nigerian and get a council house, child maintenance, and welfare.

The men would rather sit on a couch, drink beer, and watch football in a council house wearing a t-shirt of their City’s team. This is why Zimbabweans, Africans, Eastern Europeans, and Asians are needed to go and wipe their parents’ bottoms, work in their factories, and sweep their streets.

Meanwhile, the young hooligans of the same country – Adam’s nephews – become child soldiers at the age of 16 to go and appease the Adamsky fetish of killing brown people, to steal their oil and resources for a nation that fell from the leading nation to being overtaken by India, the moment it lost its colonies.

These child soldiers go and fight to steal resources from other countries in the hope of earning bounty of a pension and council house. In Britain itself, corrosion caused by people urinating on limestone buildings caused the government to enact laws against the ongoing scourge of public urination. It’s a human problem, not a black problem.

So much for Adam’s people being hardworking, clean and civilized. We are all human savages, but Adam’s people are more so because they became indolent from excesses of colonial genocide. Adam wishes for those good old days.

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