Last May, I met with a very influential person in Zimbabwe, to discuss obtaining evidence for our case against the banks in South Africa.

The person informed me and my colleagues that we would never obtain evidence against South African banks from the Zimbabwean banking system, as senior bankers in Zimbabwe were profiting immensely due to sanctions.

He went on to tell us the story of the son of a deceased Zimbabwean-German banker who had developed a software that showed all banking transactions (local and international) that had ever taken place in Zimbabwe.

According to the story, with this software, the German banker’s son, was able to see all loans, repayments and transactions made by Zimbabwean banks, and he had discovered that the government had overpaid its loans to one of the multilateral institutions.

As a result of the overpayment, the multilateral institution had returned the money to Zimbabwe. But, instead of the recipients of the money declaring it as refunds for overpayment, they lied to the President, stating that it was a loan given to the nation.

Apparently, the four officials involved in this deception, then began to “repay” the so-called loans into an offshore account that they could access.

The son of the German banker alerted one of the President’s trusted advisors, who informed the President. The President requested a meeting with the whistleblower, but gatekeepers prevented the whistleblower from seeing the President.

Eventually, after great insistence, the President met with the man and was shown the transactions and evidence on the whistleblower’s app.

The informant then requested an $11 million dollar finders/recovery fee, which was a percentage of the funds that were due to be returned to the national coffers from the thieving officials.

It’s alleged that the President then summoned the officials who were involved. Some of them are rumored to have hundreds of millions in known off-shore accounts. Strangely, they are not sanctioned by the west, despite their well-known money laundering activities and proceeds in Euro/Swiss accounts.

Initially, the four bankers denied the facts, claiming that the German’s son’s software was fake, until the President’s advisor, who is an IT specialist, debunked their claims.

The four officials eventually admitted to the theft and agreed to return the money and to pay the software owner his percentage for the recovery. However, we were told that one of the officials outright refused to repay the money.

When I asked why the President has not taken any action against these officials, especially the defiant one, I was told that they have the backing of very influential and powerful local and international players.

This new RBZ SI suggests that there may be some credence to the conspiracy theory which has been corroborated by one other person.

The question that I now have is, what role are these men playing in sabotaging the local currency, nostro accounts and the economy? We already know that they are sabotaging our case in South Africa.

By Rutendo Matinyarare, Chairman of ZASM.

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