The sanctions may be over, but the impact still lingers. Zimbabweans remain scattered across the globe, and our hospitals urgently need upgrading. We require medicines, machines, and a sufficient number of well-paid doctors, nurses, and midwives. Our roads, schools, and infrastructure need extensive rehabilitation, while our economy requires significant investment.

To achieve this, we must adopt a productive approach: producing more than we consume, exporting more than we import, and effectively marketing Zimbabwe to attract investment. Additionally, we must maintain what we already have.

Most crucially, we must pursue reparations from the Americans for the harm caused by their illegal sanctions over 23 years. Zimbabwe and SADC are owed over $100 billion in compensation for the lives lost, investments destroyed, and underdevelopment inflicted upon us. It’s time to hold them accountable and reclaim what is rightfully ours. #ZimReparationsForUSSanctions

Written by Rutendo Matinyarare, Chairman of ZASM.

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