The Zimbabwean government seems to have forgotten the lessons of the past. Between 2001 and 2010, Western sanctions devastated our economy because key sectors of our economy like mining, manufacturing, agriculture, food processing, seed production, real estate, and fuel were dominated by ex-Rhodesians and racist local and foreign investors who sought to exploit Zimbabwe through economic control.
So when government compensated war veterans, these racists crashed the stock market by divesting $3.5 billion, and when sanctions were imposed, they quickly took out their investment, then money laundered and externalized their wealth through locally controlled Western-owned banks, causing economic collapse.
However, around 2010, our economy eventually began to stabilize and started growing as local players and non-racist investors took control. So why are we now reverting to allowing reputed racists like Zed Koudounaris -who is implicated in the Panama Papers for money laundering of Innscor, which according to leaked reports is a proxy of MI6, created to control key economic sectors like food, manufacturing and gold mining in Zimbabwe- to control our key economic sectors again? What happens tomorrow when we have sanctions again? Do we have to go through the collapse of the whole food sector again when MI6 asks Innscor to sabotage our economy?
The fact that Innscor and Zed went to South African courts to muzzle a Zimbabwean whistleblower to try and hide their crimes in Zimbabwe, is indicative of them undermining Zimbabweโs sovereignty by trying to have South African courts dictate what Zimbabweans can discuss pertaining to our health, national and public interests. And by our government remaining mum about this neo-colonial behavior, they are endorsing the same role the SADC tribunal was used to play in an attempt to reverse our land reform.
Not only that, but the same government, through enemies of the former President like Saviour Kasukuwere, sold a national strategic asset like National Foods to Innscor for people like Ray Kaukonde to become stakeholders in this food monopoly in future.
And while our leaders were empowering this racist monopoly, it used its capital monopoly to acquire Profeeds and Produtrade, which controlled chicken feed. A former employee of Innscor says that this indirectly killed off indigenous competitors like Gonoโs Luna Chickens, who struggled to get chicken feed at a time the former employee says bankers were also coerced by Zed to recall Gonoโs loans six years earlier.
To show its disapproval of this acquisition, the Competition & Tariffs Commission of Zim ruled Innscorโs acquisition of Profeeds and Produtrade anti-competitive, it also asked for a reversal of the deal and hit Innscor with a penalty of $40 million, which today Innscor still hasnโt paid.
As a result of this political connectedness, today when Innscor is exposed for importing GMOs laced with cancer-causing chemicals illegally into a country with the worst cancer deaths in the world according to the WHO, no one stands up to protect the Zimbabwean people, despite the cancer pandemic ravaging the country.
When I told senior ZANU PF leaders like Chris Mutsvangwa about Innscorโs chemical warfare in Zimbabwe and asked them to act to protect Zimbabwean lives, he brazenly told me that he had better things to do than protect what he clearly considers dispensable Zimbabwean lives (See communication attachment in comments).
As a country, it would seem our leaders have learned nothing from the past 23 years of Cold War, and in fact, our leaders are protecting a white monopoly capital company controlled by renowned racists who allegedly serve MI6, and assisting it to control our food.
Government must break up Innscorโs monopoly, as we see the United States government doing to Huawei and TikTok, to safeguard our food and health security, otherwise, they could be a problem in the next Cold War.
Written by Rutendo Matinyarare, Chairman of ZASM.